Tai Chi - Tin-Yu Lam - 9781856752077 - Paperback

€ 19,00
70sinds 6 jun. '23, 07:00
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Tai Chi - Tin-Yu Lam - Gaia Books - 9781856752077 - 2de Hands - Zeer Goede Staat - Paperback - Tai Chi - Tin-Yu Lam. Tal Chi is an ancient Chinese soft martial art that strengthens and relaxes the body through slow, gentle movement combined with co-ordinated breathing. It can be practiced anytime, anywhere, however fit you are and without special equipment, special clothes or special shoes. It is the perfect technique to get you back on track when you are feeling stressed during your busy day. This book provides quick, simple, and effective Tai Chi routines for busy people, wether you are at work, at home, or on the move. Its easy instructions - suitable for all ages and all levels of experience - ensure that you can follow the correct Tai Chi moves when you are working through them on your own. Learn how to use Tai Chi any time, any place, anywhere, and how to incorporate it into your busy day. De-stress the quick and easy way, using a range of simple-to-learn Tai Chi exercises. Use Tai Chi regularly to improve your stamina, balance and strength. Discover Tai Chi's self-help mood-boosting powers, and use them wether you are at home, on the move, or at work.
Zoekertjesnummer: a125807468