Lifting Up the Bible - Cary Summers - 9781945470677 - Hardco

€ 27,00
40sinds 6 jun. '23, 07:00
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Lifting Up the Bible - Cary Summers - Worthy Publishing Group - 9781945470677 - 2de Hands - Als Nieuw - Hardcover - Read the adventurous story of the creation and building of the world’s first museum dedicated solely to one book—the Bible. It may be hard to believe an old refrigeration warehouse built in 1923 could be transformed into a museum, let alone one that includes such priceless artifacts, amazing displays, incredible architecture, and state of the art technology. The mueseum began as a simple idea in the minds of a handful of people. Soon it was reaching out and capturing others—bringing more and more partners to the table. There was brainstorming followed by sketches. Innovation followed by clarification. Focus followed by concrete plans. And, finally, the moment to go for it. To take that first giant, collective step, trusting that everything would fall into place. The museum is for every single person who desires to learn more about the amazing document that is the Bible.
Zoekertjesnummer: a125807167