Monster Books: The Monster Maker Book by Kate Daubney

€ 25,98
00sinds 31 aug. '23, 06:22
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AuteurKate Daubney was born in sunny North Devon, where she grew up on a diet of Devonshire cream teas and Cornish pasties. Drawing, painting and writing stories have always been her favourite past times, and as a child she spent many weekends at the beach with a sketchbook creating quirky characters. since graduating form the University College Falmouth in 2009 she has worked full-time as an illustrator. Kate's love of animals and nature inspire her bright, colourful and quirky illustrations.
Productnummer (ISBN)ean
Categorie-suggestieBoeken Novelty & Activity Books


Conditie: Goed
Auteur: Kate Daubney was born in sunny North Devon, where she grew up on a diet of Devonshire cream teas and Cornish pasties. Drawing, painting and writing stories have always been her favourite past times, and as a child she spent many weekends at the beach with a sketchbook creating quirky characters. since graduating form the University College Falmouth in 2009 she has worked full-time as an illustrator. Kate's love of animals and nature inspire her bright, colourful and quirky illustrations.
Genre: Novelty & Activity Books
Bindwijze: Novelty Book
Aantal pagina's:
Produkt lengte:
Produkt breedte:
Taal: Engels
EAN: 9781848573512

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Zoekertjesnummer: a129829659