The Way It Is - Serge Benhayon - 9780977541508 - Paperback

€ 105,00
20sinds 6 jun. '23, 07:00
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The Way It Is - Serge Benhayon - Unimed Publishing - 9780977541508 - 2de Hands - Zeer Goede Staat - Paperback - The Way It Is - Serge Benhayon. Never before have we had such a clarity in what is actually needed to live in the livingness of God's love. Never have we had outside the realms of true esoteric teachings the simplicity from wich to attain such growth through grace. And never before have the seeds been laid down so ferverently that the son cannot recognise that wich lay before him as the seed of truth and the key to self salvation. This book is dedicated to that cause. To help and assist those seeking to get through the miasma of false light and the many pandering ways and forms in which it presents itself. To alert you of the dangers and pitfalls, and the clever guises used to with-hold the information that has been kept to dis-empower you and hence veil the truth with the mist of illusion via the hooking tool of Glamour and the fearful of Maya.
Zoekertjesnummer: a125807308