stilleven van de hedendaagse Russische kunstenaar Chayka

€ 400,00
1190sinds 31 jan. '24, 14:23
Deel via


hij heeft geëxposeerd in tal van steden in Europa, Amerika en Afrika. Hij won prijzen met name in Brussel in 2001
titel: middag - afmetingen 70 x 60 - olieverf op doek 2002
zie prijzen en kunsttentoonstellingen (ga naar nld in de catalogus en je vindt zijn naam: Vladimir Chayka en gemiddelde prijzen van 1000 euro)
Vladimir Chaika calls his art bon-art, “good-natured”. It goes back to the relaxed and joyful French style of Matisse and Dufy. His universe is harmonious, full of bright colors and pleasant emotions. His artworks are imbued with a passion for travel, they invite us to enjoy the exotic attraction of Kilimanjaro and Zanzibar, Italy and Greece, to immerse ourselves in sunny and abundant other worlds. These paintings set one to an epicurean calm mood, make one break away from the hustle and bustle of everyday life.
Vladimir Chaika was born in 1978 and graduated from the Moscow State Academic Art School named in the memory of 1905. He has organized over 30 solo exhibitions in Russia, Belgium, USA, Greece, Tanzania and Italy. Member of the Union of Artists of Russia, laureate of the international program “New Names of the Planet”, winner of the International competitions “Artist, Draw Moscow”, Euro Art Price, Russian Art help Charity.
Zoekertjesnummer: m2075730453