Illy Art Cup - Jan Fabre - Art kept me out of jail

€ 295,00
1631sinds 11 mar. '19, 19:55
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Jan fabre - Art kept me out of jail (and out of museums).
Illy Art Collection 2008 - Limited Edition - 1000 copies.

Paris, 22 April 2008 - For his performance, “Art kept me out of jail (and out of museums)”, at the Louvre, Flemish artist Jan Fabre has designed a single cup for the illy art collection, which will be produced in a limited edition of 1000 copies.
Fabre explores one his favourite themes, that of sacrifice, choosing the colours red and black (for both the cup and saucer), which are essentially colours of passion, of love, struggle and politically those of anarchy. Printed in black are the words: ART KEPT ME OUT OF JAIL (on the cup) AND OUT OF MUSEUMS (on the saucer at the point where the cup rests).
Jan Fabre continues the investigation of one of the themes he already explored in his 1981 performance, “Art kept me out of the jail”, extending the theme of liberty in relation to the system of art, which in this case is represented by the museum, and he does so in the Louvre, the very archetype of a museum.
The artist calls into question this “gilded cage” with a performance dedicated to Jacques Mesrine, one of France’s most famous thieves and former public enemy number one, adored by the world of cinema and music, which dedicated films and music to him, and who was killed by the French police in 1979. Fabre has always been interested in criminal energy, considered in the tradition of the creativity of the negative inaugurated in the early modernist era by Friederich Nietzsche.
“For the occasion, Fabre prepares a performance in which he disguises himself as countless criminal figures, a metaphor of metamorphosis and evasion, a metamorphosis of identity, which remains the same and yet is always different; and he does so in the same room as the Nike of Samothrace.” Giacinto di Pietrantonio
In 2006, the artist had already designed an illy art collection, “L’ora blu” (’The blue hour’) in which the dusk, metamorphosis between day and night, became a symbol for the cycle of life itself.

Verzendkosten België: 8,00 €

Conditie: Nieuw
Levering: Ophalen, Verzenden
Zoekertjesnummer: m1384012751
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